This morning I was scrolling through Facebook, a horrible habit first thing in the morning, I know, and I happened upon a post someone had typed in one of the groups I'm a part of. It was about de-cluttering and manifestation which is all fine and dandy, considering there definitely is a link between the two and I've used de-cluttering as a way to release and manifest (different post for a different day). What caught my attention though was the graphic they'd shared from someone else that said, "Clear the Clutter and "Create a Vacuum"!".
For those of us who are magickally, and even just spiritually inclined know, whenever we do any sort of space clearing, cleansing, and even simple de-cluttering, we create a neutral space that must be filled with something else. This void shouldn't be left alone as anything can settle in, positive or not. So imagine my surprise that there was someone literally saying to purposefully create a vacuum!
The graphic continued to say, "Once you do this, you create a vacuum and the Universe has to FILL that void with whatever you are intending to manifest into your life!". In and of itself, someone might not find anything necessarily wrong with this statement, if the person had accompanied it with how to fill it with your intentions and purpose.
I found myself begin typing out a long winded comment because I didn't want people to get into trouble with this. That's when I realized the indignation of believing you know best and reacting instead of responding. The very first point it makes is about literally cleaning your space, hence why I got a little bent out of shape about the post. However, as I continued to read the graphic, I realized that it also mentioned releasing old patterns of belief, habits, behaviors, relationships, etc.. which I would agree with letting them go so the Universe/Spirit can bring you something better. You have to let go of old shit before you can accept, embrace, and truly welcome anything new. However, to me I still wouldn't label that a "vacuum" but instead opening up space.
It definitely made me aware of how easily triggered we are when we don't take the time to fully read something or when we read something that we've already formed an opinion about. Likewise, I do believe it's wise, and necessary, to carefully choose our words and understand what our message is. Should someone clear clutter physically then just let the Universe fill that space? Hell no! That's one of the reasons after smoke clearing, we go through either with a different incense, visualization, or even just intention and set the vibrations. Anything can come in with a vacuum.
It took me several times to read the graphic and fully understand because that one word just seemed to trigger me which isn't the creators fault, that's mine. I suppose after stepping way from the post for a while and having time to sit with it later, I realized my second issue was more semantics than anything else as I could understand what they had wanted to say. At least, I believe I do. Instead I wanted to highlight a couple of concerns this one post brought up for me this morning.
First of all, please be careful what you share on social media as they aren't always correct, as many of us know, and for someone new and still trying to figure out the basics, this can present a huge challenge. These has seemed to come into the forefront lately as we have more and more memes created with the intents of being funny or whatever yet people seem to take off with them like they are holy writ. Watch the wording used. If I'd shared this graphic, I would've made a comment about the use of "vacuum" because it automatically makes me think of physical space clearing and I know others would probably have something quick to say about that.
Second, do not just hit reply. Take a few deep breaths and sit with it to see if it's actually saying what you think it's saying. We have this spring-into-action sort of triggered reaction to things that we have to set right because they're wrong but truthfully, is it truly us wanting to ensure people are well informed or is there a touch of a superiority complex being triggered? i first believed I was aiming to help people as I didn't want them to cause problems for themselves but as I sat with it, the more I realized there was a feeling of me knowing more held within my indignation that I hadn't recognized. I leaned into it, instead of judging, and came to understand that my wanting to be a know-it-all and "help others" stemmed from wanting to be accepted by others. Needless to say, I'm very glad I deleted the comment I'd typed up.
Looking back on it, it seems like the most absurd thing to have gotten so bent out of shape and indignant about. I am embarrassed to admit that I even had the snarkiest thought, since it was a Law of Attraction group, that this is what happens when someone starts just begins delving into magickal concepts without researching them properly. How privileged and judgmental is that thought! When we allow ourselves to really lean in and feel an emotion, a thought, a reaction, we can learn so much about ourselves and our subconscious beliefs.
There is already so much murkiness found on the internet as we sift through facts and misinformation so I simply implore people to only share things they know are correct and true. This would include phrasing, unless someone comments on it to just let everyone know before reading it. Similarly, we have a responsibility to temper our reactions and instead ensure we actually have something to be upset about in the first place. We need to ask ourselves whether we're contributing to a conversation or simply wanting to point fingers and argue. What subconscious fears, thoughts, and beliefs are being triggered and why? What can they teach us?
I'm always talking about responding versus reacting and while I'm not always great at it, I'm definitely thankful to have taken the time this morning to pull back, collect myself, and respond instead of flying off my broom handle as in the end, I'm quite certain I'm the only one who would've looked like a fool.
Brightest of Blessings, My Friends.