It's that time of year again when after the frigid winter, we can slowly begin to feel the subtle strength in the sun's rays. The earth is slowly returning to life, even if we may not readily see it. Mama Earth is starting to stir, slowly dancing towards the warm and abundant spring. Can we all say woo-hoo?!
When I first started on my Pagan path, Imbolc was my least favorite sabbat and was one I skipped for many years. I just didn’t resonate with it, didn’t understand it’s magick or power, and unfortunately shrugged it off. However, a few years ago, I was watching a video on YouTube and something clicked. I could feel the quickening. It felt softer than some of the other sabbats, but everything has a time and place. All because it doesn’t feel as bright or bam! in your face! (in a good way) like Ostara or Litha, doesn’t mean it isn’t as powerful. There is power in the stillness too.
It is in the stillness that we can grow in perhaps the most profound way possible—internally. External events may give us the opportunity for growth, but all change truly happens within. Even if something forces us to decide or take a different direct externally, we still must make the conscious choice within before we can act. So, if you have a hard time connecting with this sabbat as well, and can only feel the earth being still, know that this too is an important part of the cycle and that energies are shifting internally so we can prepare for the external blossom of abundance and life.
So…grab yourself a cup of tea and join me as I discuss this subtle yet strikingly potent time of year.
Let's begin by taking a moment to visualize a scene:
Midwinter. The landscape is buried in snow and there's a bitter chill whipping through the air, forcing our ancestors to clutch tighter at their coverings, whether it be a jacket, shawl, blanket, etc. The community is growing restless as they've been forced into their homes where the nights are long, leaving them endlessly tired and bored. There is a desire and yearning for the warmth of the sun which is still but only a wee baby. This ancestor we see is traversing across the landscape and can't help but lick their lips hungrily, thinking of the plentiful berries and food found during the warmer months. After all, the food stock is dwindling and nothing would be more of a treat than a sweet, lush strawberry (or blueberry, blackberry--you pick!). Hunched over to try to retain balance from the strong wind blowing, they resemble the Five of Pentacles and just as they begin to lose themselves in the despair brought about by this barren season, they see it. So small they almost didn’t even see it but sure enough, there it is. A single snowdrop that has managed to push up past the snow and instantly a smile flickered across their weary face. A wave of relief washed over them as they are reminded that the weather won’t remain cold. The sun and warmth will once again return…it’s just a matter of time.
This above scene evokes Aquarian energy—the visionary—who can see off into the distance, piercing into the future, and know change is coming. At least, that’s how I understand it and indeed, Imbolc occurs when the sun is in 15 degrees of Aquarius. Typically, this falls around Groundhog’s Day and this year this holy time is 2nd February 2019. It’s fast approaching and after the revelry of Yule, Christmas, and New Year’s, this sabbat can sneak up on you without much warning! Perhaps, thought, that’s because we’ve become too focused and busy on our resolutions and life that we forget to pause and look around at what’s happening in both nature and the world.
One of my favorite reminders where I used to live was that the seagulls always came back to the Walmart parking lot around Imbolc. We do not live close to the ocean at all and it was left me surprised to see them. However, I knew as soon as they began that Imbolc was close. Thinking of seagulls, snow, ice, the cold winter, and snowdrops, it’s easy to figure out the colors for this sabbat which are blue and white. Gold or yellow could be used to represent the sun whose light is slowly returning or even a deep, rich green as this is the color of Brighid’s cloak whom is traditionally honored during this time. There are many other names for this festival but the two other ones I’ve heard the most are St. Brighid’s Day or Candlemas. Though Brighid is traditionally honored, any Maiden or Mother Goddess would be appropriate.
This is what also made Imbolc a day I didn’t feel any sort of connection to as I didn’t really follow a Celtic path—though there certainly are Pagans who follow the Wheel of the Year while they walk on different paths.
Now, if we look more into what Imbolc means, we find many translate it as “ewe’s milk” since this is when the ewes begin lactating which would’ve been a very much welcomed occurrence. Due to the origin of the word, it’s only natural ewes and lambs would be symbols of this sabbat. However, we also find robins, deer, and burrowing animals (like the groundhog).
Cool…Cool…but what does Imbolc celebrate?!
Imbolc is the halfway point between Yule and Ostara. It’s about the returning light, purification, rebirth, and cleansing. It’s a good time to start “spring cleaning” and preparing for spring. Reviewing resolutions, intentions, and goals to ensure they are in your highest alignment is also another idea. Now is suitable to make offerings to the Gods (though this goes with any sabbat really). Symbols for this holy day are Candles, The Bride, Burrowing Animals, The Equal-Armed Cross, Spirals, Grain Dollies, Sun Wheels, and Candle wheels. Want to add some kitchen witchery into the mix? Anything dairy is appropriate as well as spicy food, honey cakes, honey, poultry, pork, and lamb.
This is just a small piece of this exceptionally bright and exciting time, so I implore you to research it further. How does it resonate with you? What is happening in nature? What energies do you feel? I find the best way to learn is by doing so do a few activities for Imbolc then either perform a ritual (it doesn’t have to be long or fancy) or simply sit with the energies on that day. I wanted this to hopefully give you an understanding of what Imbolc is as well as act as a sort of springboard into your own study and research.
Following is a list of some activities you can do to celebrate as well as a list of my sources, if you want some additional information. 😊
Make Blessings
Catch the Sunrise
Purify yourself, your space, altar, tools, etc. Cleanse, purify, and consecrate!
Light candles to welcome the sun back
Reflect on your intentions made in January—if they aren’t clicking anymore, toss them! If they do, plant them!
Plant seeds inside pots so they can be transplanted once it gets fully warm. You can even do magick and plant a seed per intention so as it grows, your intention will manifest.
Don’t just light candles—make them!
Create a new soup recipe or try one! Pinterest has many wonderful recipes that you could try. We still have some winter weather left so let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.
Feed the critters outside. They are probably hungry and would love seeds, nuts, etc.
Get that broom and mop out and spring clean! I know technically spring cleaning would happen at Ostara but hey, it is a sabbat of purification and cleansing!
Do divination and meditations
Decorate a well—sacred to Brighid
Research Brighid
Bake a French Honey Cake—recipe by CharmingPixieFlora and can be found clicking here.
Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy
Candlemas by Amber K and Azrael Arynn
Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows by Silver Ravenwolf
Wicca: The Complete Craft by D. J. Conway
Wicca by Scott Cunningham
The Simple Sabbat: A Family Friendly Approach to the Eight Pagan Holidays by M. Flora Peterson
Celebrate the Earth by Laurie Cabot
*Just click on the Title*
Candlemas Ideas by CharmingPixieFlora
Imbolc Incense & Oil by CharmingPixieFlora
The Witchcraft Diaries~The Imbolc Sabbat by Laura Daligan
The Witches Zodiac~Imbolc by Laura Daligan and Zoe Hind
Five Ways to Celebrate Imbolc by The White Witch Parlour
This Witch's Way~Imbolc by Mirth and Reverence
Imbolc by TipToeChick (May Her Memory Be For A Blessing <3)
*Do note I am not being paid for endorsing or listing any sources but simply believe to give credit where credit is due!*
I can’t tell y’all how excited I am to celebrate this beautiful sabbat though I’m sure you can probably tell! ^_^
I hope y’all have a blessed Imbolc!
May inspiration and hope be rebirthed and rekindled within your spirit!
~The Autumn Witch
Leave a comment below about what you find great about this sabbat? What sabbat did you have the most difficulty connecting with? How do you celebrate this time of year?