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Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

There's a certain magick in the air during the autumn that warms the heart and spirit while barely nipping at the body. Pumpkins, squash, apples, and other fruits and vegetables of the harvest are abundant, washing the scenery with colors of fiery reds, warm golds and yellows, and bright orange. The crisp air refreshes the lungs and brings inspiration to our lives. I've personally always enjoyed the fall when nature seems to come alive and show her wares before turning inward for the winter months. Naturally, Mabon would grow to become one of my favorite sabbats and is always a much anticipated time in my household.

What exactly then is Mabon? What are some ways that one can celebrate this time? What Deities are associated with this time? These are the questions which I will aim to answer within this post. So, come with me as the Wheel turns and we turn to this magickal and beautiful holy day.

Mabon is the common name of this second harvest festival but it is also known as the Autumn Equinox, Michaelmas, Feast of Avalon, Harvest Home, Winter Finding, and Alban Elved. It's even referred to as The Witch's Thanksgiving which I believe accurately and perfectly summarizes the major theme of this time which we'll discuss momentarily. Astrologically speaking, this Sabbat occurs when the sun is in 1 degree of Libra (which usually is from the 21-23 of September). The ruler of this sign, as well as holy day, is Venus. This is the last Sabbat before the New Year which is celebrated at Samhain (31st of October) for many Pagans and Witches. This is the first official day of autumn when day and night are equal length once more--except unlike Ostara, the dark grows longer. Due to this, not only is this Sabbat one for thanksgiving, but also of balance.

It's a time for finishing projects that were started at the beginning of the year which should be manifesting around this time. It's a time of the mysteries and this was the time that Persephone returned to Her husband, Hades. There were other Deities who made the trek into the Underworld around this time but Her story is typically the best known. It's a time of unlimited potential and strong psychic work. I believe the veil between the worlds can definitely be felt thinning at this point, even a few days before, which will crescendo with it being at it's thinnest on Samhain. This makes this time good for Spirit as well as Shadow work.

This Sabbat is named after the God, Mabon, who I definitely recommending you research. :) The God at this time is the Harvest Lord who is slain in order for us to survive the long, harsh winter. However, He is also seen at this time as the Green Man, Horned God, and/or Sun God. He will die and be reborn from the Goddess at Yule--so don't fret! The Goddess is seen as either the Mother or Crone with typically the Crone ruling this time of year. This is one reason I personally prefer to work with Cerridwen as She is considered both a Crone and Mother Goddess. A few other Deities that may be seen as appropriate during this time are:

  • Persephone and Hades

  • Athena

  • Pomona

  • Rhiannon

  • Demeter

  • Epona

  • Dionysus

  • Isis and Osiris

  • Min

  • Geb

We give thanks as the products of this harvest are seen as proof of the God's and Goddess' love for us. In addition to the above listed fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, pomegranates and corn are also very prevalent during this time. Before I begin listing ways in which to celebrate this sabbat, allow me to list the correspondences for this Sabbat:

  • Traditional Objects: pine cones, cornucopias, acorns, wheat sheaves, dried leaves, gourds, pumpkins, melons, pomegranates, apples, and ivy.

  • Herbs: acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckles, marigold, myrrh, rose, sage, tobacco, thistle, patchouli

  • Crystals: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Yellow Topaz, Agates

  • Spells appropriate: protection, prosperity, security, self-confidence, balance

  • Colors: red, brown, orange, gold, yellow, green

That list is in no manner complete and I implore you to research and discern for yourself what other things you'd add to the list--and if there are any you'd omit! That's when you really begin growing on this path--when you no longer solely rely on the words of another. :) Now, for activities you can do to celebrate!

  • Watch the sun rise and set

  • Have a Thanksgiving feast

  • Can Vegetables

  • Drink Apple Cider--Yummy!

  • Make Corn Dollies and empower them for luck and prosperity

  • Harvest Herbs

  • Do a Chakra Balancing Meditation

  • Make Breads

  • Offer Apples to the Ancestors

  • Go for a Walk

  • Collect Acorns

  • Make an Apple Cake (I will be posting the recipe Tuesday!)

  • Bless and Donate Food

  • Go Pick Apples and Pumpkins

  • Do a Space Clearing

  • Most Importantly, Get Out and Enjoy this Beautiful Time of Year!

I wish you all a magickal and abundant harvest festival that is brimming with love, prosperity, and balance. Happy Thanksgiving ;)

Lots of Love,



Sources for my information and some other good resources to check out!


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