Many of us have a difficult time enjoy particular seasons for a variety of reasons, whether it be allergies, weather, etc.. This can be especially true in the winter when it's frigid or summer when it feels like we're melting. We live our lives yearning for other seasons, perhaps spring in the winter or fall in the summer, and it certainly doesn't help matters when stores immediately go from one holiday to the next, never really allowing us to enjoy the breath between the holidays. To enjoy that pause. It's instead a perfect reflection of how we don't give ourselves time to enjoy the pause and stillness of winter.
Each season has a magick to it and a lesson to learn. In winter, when the land has become barren and nature still, we feel ourselves being drawn inwards to reflect. There's a sense of deep rest after a hectic and active year that needs to be honored, if only for a little while. As the weather forces us to scramble inside, so too does nature beckon us to delve into ourselves. Instead of doing this inner work, we grow restless and pray for Ostara when the warmth returns. We long to bask in nature, delighting in the growing days, and return to being active once more. We've become so used to that energy that whenever we're forced to grow still and receptive, we do whatever we possibly can to fill that space. To fill that void.
Why? Why are we so afraid of being still? It can be just as productive as actively working and is just as necessary for balance yet most people cast it aside as being either a luxury or nuisance. The only time we ever seen to allow ourselves to slow down is whenever we're sick and even then, it's a struggle as many of us still attempt to accomplish our task list. We seem to shy away from being still and I believe it's because we're afraid of what the quiet may bring. What that space may hold. It's perhaps the same reason people don't want to do shadow work or any sort of deep self-reflection. We're afraid of the monster we believe to be lurking in the silence instead of the liberator it truly is.
How many of us, when we get lost in our thoughts or even are trying to go to bed (apparently a favorite of mine), end up reliving old mistakes and embarrassing moments. We rehash the same shit for years that plagues and haunts us, tormenting our minds as we can't believe we were so foolish! It can anything from making a huge mistake at work to simply asking your crush out in high school...yup, that one still gets me. Instead of reliving these experiences from the apparent sheer joy of pain and humiliation, what if this memory is because there's a lesson to be learned? What if your subconscious is trying to send you a message? By refusing to quiet yourself long enough to lean into it, you continue to allow it to play on repeat.
It's in times of stillness that we're able to hold the space necessary for our spirit to truly speak to us. For our Gods to speak to us. It's the moment that belongs to the soul. Those moments of "pain" are meant to be moments for clarity and insight but we're usually not slowing down enough to listen. Perhaps Spirit has been trying to teach you the same lesson for years and you have all the experiences to showcase that, yet instead of listening, you've run away. You've shoved them aside every single time they've made an appearance. So...you'll continue making the same mistakes and reliving the past you refuse to learn from and heal.
So often we're too busy doing and pushing, creating and working, that we end up ignoring or not even hearing our intuition. We become afraid to be alone with our thoughts because we don't want to take full accountability for our lives. We don't want to understand that it's best we didn't get into that relationship or that we lost out on that promotion. We refuse to recognize that maybe we just love too hard too fast or that we aren't as qualified professionally. That doesn't mean you'll never get to where you want to be but you will have to acknowledge the shortcomings in order to progress, like by taking more classes to become qualified, etc.. By refusing to be still, we miss out on guidance that could make our lives so much easier.
Winter is the season for pause and stillness, to hold that space so we can return to and collect ourselves, get in tune with our spirit and Higher Powers so we can begin creating and manifesting whatever it is we want this coming year. Does this mean to stop doing work during the winter? Definitely not! What it means is that we need to recognize the balance between stillness and action and stop being so damn afraid of it. We have to slow down at some point to regroup and refocus which is what winter is great for. If you're doing work, it's about going slow, ensuring everything is done properly, and building strong foundations. Ones that have lasting roots.
The stillness also serves as a reminder that everything comes in Divine Timing and to stop pushing so hard. Allow it to unfold organically. If you ever stop and watch the birds and other animals you'll find they are in no hurry to do anything. The trees simply are. They aren't forcing their leaves to return. There's a sense of surrender and acceptance that accompanies nature as not everything can be bright, lush, and in season, all year-round.
If you find yourself struggling, take a moment to ask whether you're trying to force something to happen or are you allowing? Likewise, give yourself permission to hold space for yourself and your spirit by pausing and growing still. See if there's something else you ought to be doing instead? What's your next step? Sometimes we just need time away to clear our heads and rediscover our why. Why are we doing something? Why do we care so much? I'm always reminded that Rome wasn't built in a day. You have time. Stop pushing so hard. See what lessons are cropping up. Are you doing that internal work necessary to shift your life? As within, so without.
Happy Monday, My Friends.