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Cards of the Week: 31 July 17-6 August 17

Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill

Monday/Tuesday—The Desert Prince Reversed

Though this card deals with survival and false promises, the imagery is very ferocious,

Leo-y, and vibrant. It’s about control, desire, motivation, courage, and the feeling you must continue pushing forward lest you may not succeed. Monday and Tuesday, we are being told to release this need for control. This isn’t about being passive and indeed we are clearly being warned to be wary of deceit and/or false promises that others—or ourselves—can’t keep. It’s about removing our pride, our ego, from the equation and taking an objective look around us. It is only through this bird’s eye view that we are capable of gaining any sense of clarity to even learn of such lies and false promises. It is through the flow and not through the forcing of anything, that we are able to discern truth.

Wednesday/Thursday—The Queen of the Light Reversed

We may find ourselves trying to lessen our light, our brightness, for any reason. It is then we must ask ourselves “what is triggering this reaction?” Why do we hide away our gifts, skills, and talents? Why do you attempt to ignore or hide our authentic selves and instead seek to conform to standards imposed by those who don’t even conform themselves! In order to truly be happy and free, we must learn to embrace our true selves and not dull our spark for anyone. It’s their problem if they can’t handle your brilliance, not yours. Thursday is when Uranus will retrograde in Aries so really pay attention to what is brought up during this time. It can be a time when any illusions are illuminated so that we may instead witness the truth that’s been lurking the entire time. You may find you have likewise kept certain aspects of yourself from reaching the light—why? You must embrace all of you otherwise your light won’t be as bright, My Darling.

The Weekend—Friday, Saturday, and Sunday—The Phoenix

If we do what is needed of us, we will experience a beautiful and profound transformation begin to take shape. Like a phoenix we must burn so that we may arise from the ashes, stronger and brighter. You may have found something that you realized wasn’t in alignment with your highest good, that no longer served you, or just wasn’t going anywhere. Release it and instead embrace the change. Life is a cycle and when one journey ends, another begins. This is true even in death for when we die, we only enter a different realm, a different plane, which most definitely becomes a new journey for us until we are reborn and start again.

Such beautiful cards and what a wonderful message for this week! Don’t believe we don’t have loads of work to do—collectively and individually—but if we are true to ourselves, to our highest purpose, then we shall not fail. The summary card for this week is The Dream Walker Reversed. Wake up! Everything that is occurring within your life, at this very moment, has been created by your thoughts and your actions. Everything. This is GREAT! Why? Because it means that if this isn’t how you envisioned your life then you have the power to CHANGE it. We’ve become disillusioned and perhaps even completely disinterested or unmotivated. We’ve begun to believe or think that life isn’t a dance we partake in but something that happens to us. We have no control, no movement, nothing. WRONG! If you don’t like where it’s headed, then Darling, salsa right on out of there and work to create and manifest the life of your dreams. This week we have the enlightenment of such a realization—one we may have already known but have since forgotten. Don’t belittle yourself. It happens. We’re being reminded this week that we aren’t trapped. We hold the key to our lives. It’s up to us whether we decide to do something about it or remained locked away in fear.

Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch


*Cards are from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid*

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