This past full moon was a wonderful opportunity to reflect and take an honest look at what was no longer serving us so that we may release it in order to continue forward on our paths and in our lives. We set goals and intentions that we hope to accomplish within the next few months which wouldn’t be necessarily as easy to accomplish should we have continued
carrying that heavy load we were still carrying from the past.
As the work week begins and we start getting back into the humdrum of daily tasks and whatnot, we’re being gently reminded to reflect on our goals, our reasoning behind why we want them, and what we must bring into our lives to achieve them. We may find ourselves grumbling about how hard this is going to be or even doubting ourselves—thus wanting to return to the very things we released since that is what we are comfortable with. While this might be tempting, it isn’t the way. Reflect on what root issue is making you feel this way and how instead you can work to shift that mindset. Also, remind yourself of your goals, your reason why, and your plan. How are you going to do this? That way, when those self-doubting thoughts do arise, you can easily combat them because you CAN do this because you have a plan!
Our egos like to bite at us, belittling and scaring us. Meanwhile, our spirit is what gently supports and reminds us that we deserve all the abundance, happiness, and love in the world. We can do anything if we truly have the will and the desire. Just know, if it’s for your highest good then it will manifest.
So, just take some time and really reflect. Yesterday may have been an emotional day in which we got deep into our heart chakras and allowed our emotions to run a bit more freely than normal. Now is time to get back into our minds a bit. It is only through the unification and balance of mind and heart, ego and spirit, that we are able to achieve our goals, dreams, and desires.
Blessed Be.
The Autumn Witch
*This card is from the Earth Magic oracle deck by Steven D. Farmer.*