The Dream Walker
We’ve recently been coming more into our authentic selves and with that shift has come a change in our dreams and goals. Perhaps they are the same, just fine-tuned. Either way, we are now beginning to push aside the illusions--the doubts and fears created by ego and others—and instead stepping into the light. There seems to be a momentum here and this card certainly, in my opinion, builds upon yesterday’s. This hasn’t been a neat process nor is it anywhere near complete—especially since Jupiter enters Scorpio today for a year. Scorpio likes to get at those deep places within the subconscious, bringing to light all the garbage so we can work on it. So that we may grow and transform. Jupiter is expansive so look for plenty of insight this next coming year regarding fears, anxieties, shadows, and anything else lurking within the subconscious. Yes, very interesting but what does this have to do with today’s card?
Everything. We’re wading through these illusions now but we still have much more to go. This doesn’t mean we can’t press forward and work towards manifesting our goals and dreams as sometimes the best thing to do with fears is face them head-on. Other times, you may need the help of others. Either way, there seems to be a shift occurring where this is becoming increasingly important work. We need to stop allowing fears and doubts to force us into conforming with a standard set by a society which itself doesn’t even emulate such a quality. We need to be bold with who we are. We need to be authentic. That can’t happen, we can’t live our highest dreams, when we allow the fear and illusions to hinder us.
Brightest of Blessings,
The Autumn Witch
*Card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Collete Baron-Reid*