Just let me first dust the cobwebs off this site...just kidding, though honestly excuse the absence. Life has gotten, well, beyond hectic....as it does.
Instead of a card for today, I have a small reading because the cards just kept throwing themselves out of my deck. Alright, Spirit, i'm listening.
Cards: 2 of Swords, 8 of Chalices Reversed, Queen of Swords, and Knight of Pentacles. Essentially this means--"Make a Choice, Roll your sleeves up, and It will manifest.". If you want anything hard enough, it can and will manifest.
First off, the Two of Swords. You've been trapped within a decision that you may feel is impassable. How could you possibly choose? The situation seems bleak and you feel completely out of control but what you fail to forget is that YOU have the power. *Hear He-man in the background, "I have the power."* Now is the time to rip that blindfold off and make that choice.
Secondly, the Eight of Chalices Reversed. While it's time to make a decision, to make a choice, maybe you should think again before casting away everything. There are lessons to be learned from all past experiences--whether good or bad. They help us grow and evolve as a people and a community. Now may be the time to make a decision, to step away, and move forward but that doesn't mean to forget it.
Thirdly, the Queen of Swords. The issue at hand may not be a lack of thought or focus but rather, determination. This may have been due to our false belief that we lacked control of the situation at hand. Now, with the ability to properly witness and rediscover our own strength and power, we may gather the courage to blaze forward. Outline and draft a plan. Now is the time to own your power.
Lastly, the Knight of Pentacles. Everything we do, think, and say culminates and eventually manifests within the physical realm. If you get clear on what it is you want, truly are determined, and work towards actualizing your desire, then it can indeed manifest. Either you can continue doing what you're doing and nothing will change, or you can make a difference and change your life. Since this card isn't the King but instead the knight, it's about movement and the process of manifesting. It may take some time but slowly you should begin to see results...even if just subtle at first. That's the reminder: it's a process, a journey, but can and are happening.
Remember your power, own it, make a decision, focus on your goals, and remind yourself it's a process.
Brightest of Blessings,
The Autumn Witch