The High Lady of Love and Compassion
What a beautiful card for a Friday. I asked Spirit what messaged did people really need to hear right now and the answer is simple—Love. Love and Compassion. I recently was speaking with a friend on Twitter about how the easiest thing to lose sight of in today’s world is love. We all want to fight for truth and justice, to aid our marginalized brothers and sisters but we’ve started to lose ourselves. We’ve become so focused on what we don’t want that we have lost sight on the reason behind our indignation. It’s the love we have for ourselves, our community, and our world as a whole that we wish to continue progress and thereby fight against those who wish to return to darker days and times. I think that’s something Spirit wants us to acknowledge. The truth is too that we have grown to hate the people we view as our adversaries--I'm not saying this is unfounded! I always remember something my Pawpaw always says about people he doesn’t agree with. He says, “You can hate their ways but you can’t hate their souls.” That has always stuck with me.
Quite simply, take a few moments today to focus on love and what that means to you. How does that drive you? Motivate you? Encourage you? Support you? Do you thrive in love or do you flee from it? (That could be a tricky question for some—especially for myself). What would the world look like if we took but just a few moments one day to push aside labels, politics, beliefs, and simply love one another as we are all children of the Divine (however you believe that takes form). Another takeaway is that compassion is intrinsically intertwined with love so look at places you could perhaps be more compassionate. This includes yourself. We’re being called to take responsibility for the energies we bring to the table and our motivations behind our causes and outrage.
Brightest of Blessings,
The Autumn Witch
*Card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Deck by Colette Baron-Reid*