Good Friday Morning, everyone! I decided to switch things up a bit and used my Angel Insight deck for today's card and posed a rather specific question. Typically I keep it very open and simply ask for a description of the energies best utilized for the day or a message Spirit wants passed--just to keep it rather generalized. Today, I asked "What is something we could use collectively now to help get through these troubling times?" which I felt good considering there is so much happening around us as well as to us. Clearly election day was well spent but that is only part of the battle. What then is something we could use to help support one another?
The answer? Communication. Oh my goodness, yes! Do you realize how little we actually communicate? Truly communicate from our spirits and hearts? How much adds insight and
meaning, furthering the conversation? We speak thousands of words but do they have any value? Any sustenance to them? Think about it. Communicating is not solely speaking but also actively listening. Not just plain ol' listening. Actively. What's the difference, you may ask? We are taught from a young age to listen in order to reply which means we aren't really absorbing and internalizing the message of the other person. We're merely passing by, missing out on key notes, as we internally prepare our points. How different would our everyday conversations be if we were to simply listen to the other person and wait until they completely finish before we find our words. Communication is also based on little nuances such as body language, tone, infliction of voice...
I think this card is not only reminding us how we should be communicating but also that we should be allowing communication to happen. Open and hold space for others to discuss and communicate. We want to support and lift one another up but that isn't possible unless we give them room to speak. To educate. To enlighten. People fall into a trap of assumption--"I know how they must feel and what they need so I'm going to rally for this action." That may be in their best interest, sure, or there could be something much more crucial for them at the moment. However, due to assumption, we're missing out.
Today, hold space for others to speak. Actively listen. Choose your words to convey what you feel within your spirit, within your heart, and within your very core. Try not to leap to judgement, be quick to assume, or simply cut someone off. A solution is only possible after viewing both viewpoints.
Brightest of Blessings,
The Autumn Witch
*Card is from the Angel Insight Pack by Christine Astell*
I communicate clearly with others, from my heart and spirit, by both speaking concisely and by listening actively. --The Autumn Witch