Card of the Day-Knight of Chalices reversed and 3 of Wands reversed
I asked what is a lesson from today most of us could benefit from hearing and remembering?
The inability to reflect on our emotions in a detached manner is of no use.
If we allow our emotions to sweep us up and become a whirlwind around us, we can no longer make a logical decision. There's a difference between using your emotions as a guiding voice and being overrun by your emotions. If not careful, we become prone to lower vibrational actions, such as gossip. We are more likely to act without thought.
We aren't being objective and learning from our emotions and experiences. We aren't living life but dwelling in the past. We cannot continue moving forward or growing on our paths if we refuse to let go of hurt, pain, anger, etc.
This doesn't mean you can't feel these emotions. We're human and emotions are part of that experience. Just remind yourself to weigh choices, opinions, and decisions with logic as well. Look at everything with a different perspective.
"5 things you can't take back: A stone after its thrown, a word once it is spoken, an occasion once it is missed, an action when it is done, and time once it has passed." -Anonymous
*Card is from the Rider-Waite deck*