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Card of the Day-6 March 2018

Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill


Be cautious today of how you spend your time and energy. Where do you focus your attention the most? We can have a bad tendency to stress ourselves out to the point of a burn-out, physical illness, etc. Why though? Most of the time it's due to poor time management while others its due to drive, motivation, or desire. We want things to happen but might not necessarily be prepared for the steps we must take to achieve those goals.

Today, pay attention to your priorities. Make a list of things that HAVE to be done, things that SHOULD be done, and things you WANT to do. Everything else could probably be delegated for another day--or for another person, depending on the case. Once you have your priorities, set the hardest task first. That way, you won't spend your day either dreading the undertaking or by purposefully delaying working on it. You know, like that complicated and terrifying college essay where instead of drafting, you were maybe goofing off on social media (just me? Okay....).

Priorities just make everything easier AND helps you set boundaries. However, don't fall into the tunnel vision mindset of having to accomplish everything on that list immediately because breaks are good for your mental health as well. Work hard but give yourself some time to enjoy life and take care of yourself. Prioritize your goals but also your own happiness.

*Card is from the Archangel Oracle Cards deck by Doreen Virtue*

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