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Cards for the Week~6-12 August, 2018

Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill

Monday, Tuesday, First Part of Wednesday~7 of Pentacles

How perfect for this newsletter!! We see a man standing before his plant where he doesn't necessarily appear pleased with his harvest. This is where the old adage comes in--"You reap what you sow." Clearly he isn't very delighted and that's alright. If you share this feeling, if you find yourself not enjoying the results you had hoped for, you CAN change that. YOU have the power to change your life at any point you want! It make take a great deal of time and effort, but only YOU can do it.

So, if you should find something in your life is either no longer serving it's purpose or you aren't getting what you want, fix it. Do what you must to change your life. Make a plan. Create goals and label your priorities. You created your life as it is now. If you enjoy it then great! If not, do something about it. Otherwise it'll never change.

Also, if you do find that your harvest is absolutely fabulous, know you are allowed to feel proud of your achievements. However, you should do your best to remain humble. Don't rub it in others' faces. You can celebrate but there's a bit of a difference.

Second Part of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday~7 of Wands

If you want something then you must be willing to strive and work for it. Sometimes we find ourselves caught in a mental struggle where our biggest foe is ourselves. Our ego relishes in arguing that we can't possibly do something, regardless of how much our heart tells us to go for it. We end up feeling guilty, foolish, embarrassed, or that we're being too dreamy. This is why you have to focus on WHAT you want and make a plan. You need clarity of vision. What is it you want? Visualize exactly what you want then keep that image in mind when you work towards it. This can be tricky when you were raised with the thought that there are some things that you just aren't privy to. I'm here to tell you B.S.. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Saturday and Sunday~10 Pentacles

We can get so caught up in what we want that we miss what's in front of us. We get lost in work, feeling we must always be doing something to reach that next goal that we forget to live. We forget to make time for loved ones and friends. We live in communal settings for a reason. Spend some time focusing on the community and not just yourself. Have a nice home-cooked dinner with family where everyone gets ample time to speak. Play a board game with your children. Grab a coffee with that friend you haven't caught up with in what seems like forever. Volunteer in your community. Attend your place of worship, if you have one.

We place a great deal of emphasis on money, wealth, and success as indicators of abundance when we forget the “small things” like the love of family and friends is just as precious—if not more so.

Special Note~4 of Chalices

Don't spend too much time focused on what you lack or what you want. When you fixate on something, you end up going in circles. You never really make any progress and what's worse? You end up missing out on something that's plainly there—you're just refusing to see it. You may be lacking something you had set your heart on but there may be a better opportunity in it's place. The problem is we get so emotionally attached to the outcome that we believe we know what's best for us. We pidgeon-hole how we want something to manifest which doesn't allow for much wiggle-room. Sometimes that might be the very reason you don't get something you've worked to manifest. You've restricted the outcome too much. Have a desire then allow the Universe to bring it into your life as it will best serve you!

*Cards are from the Lo Scarabeo Universal Tarot Deck*

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