The River Queen
(Alright, I *may* have laughed when this card fell out of my deck because c'mon!)
We have a theme going and if you received my newsletter last night, you will see how today's card goes well with the card I drew for today, tomorrow, and the first half of Wednesday.
A HUGE shift is taking place, my friends, and we're being reminded that it's only natural. We can't stop it and certainly shouldn't fear it. Of course it can be terrifying, I mean we are human and therefore prefer the known and comfortable. BUUUUUTTTT that is not where growth happens. We aren't meant to remain the same people as we were when we were younger, though our personalities may well stay the same. Instead we are meant to grow and mature, developing into the people we were always meant to be.
Something which we can only achieve if we are willing to let go. We cannot hold onto that same old baggage and expect to have room for the new energies. The old must die to make room for the new. Have you ever suddenly felt this complete change in your energy that you suddenly find yourself getting rid of clutter and shit that no longer resonates? It's because it's a necessary step.
We try to convince ourselves that by holding onto those mementos, we are saving the memory when, in truth, we may actually be using it as a crutch to dwell in a continuous state of nostalgia, yearning for the past and the "Good Ol' Days". If you must really hold onto things like that, put them in a scrapbook but don't let yourself be stuck in times gone by.
Flow. Let go. Move WITH the natural current of energy. Don't fight it. Don't resist it. If you do find yourself doing just that, don't belittle yourself. Instead take some time to really sit with it. Ask yourself why you feel this way, why you don't want to let go, and really get to the core of it. Sometimes we may surprise ourselves. It is only through clearly recognizing a situation that we can fully release it.
There's some major shifts happening, My Friends. Can you feel them?
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! Brightest of Blessings!
*Card is from the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid*
*Statue feet are courtesy of my Danu statue :p