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4 Simple Spells With Household Items

Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill

If you've been following me then you'll know I'm a huge fan of simple magick, meaning performing magick without a whole lot of props or magickal tools. While these things are definitely nice and I'm always down for adding a little witchy vibe to what I'm doing, since it's a great way of helping me tap into my magick, but realistically it's not always appropriate. Either we don't have the tools needed or merely just want something quick, easy, and uncomplicated. All because these spells are simple doesn't mean they aren't as effective as a full spell or ritual. Actually, in my opinion, they can be more powerful since you can concentrate your focus more on the intent and what you want to happen, without worrying about forgetting something or not doing something.

I'm not bashing against full spells but I do believe there is always a time and place. I tried to keep these simple and using only items you already have in your house. There's certainly more to add to the list so this will unquestionably have a part two. Anyways, without further adieu, since I know I hate when people ramble on, here are 4 Simple Spells using ONLY items already present within your household.


I do just want to make a note that magick requires intention, visualization, and energy being raised and moved. So keep those in mind while performing any of these spells.


1. Grounding and Releasing Spell with Salt

That's right, plain ol' salt. It can either be Kitchen Salt, Kosher Salt, Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt...any salt will do. This is actually a spell that I came up with on the fly the other day when I happened upon a triggering social media post (that I don't really want to get into) which almost immediately sent me spiraling into a fear-based mentality. I knew I could just breathe and release the fear because it was so deeply rooted. Obviously, considering I was triggered, this is an aspect of shadow work that I have to do, however this spell was fantastic for releasing the fear and grounding me in the moment.

Why Salt? Salt is naturally grounding, purifying, cleansing, and protective. Many witches have it on their altars as a representation for the element of earth and it's used to create holy water.

Spell: Pour an amount onto your palm that you feel is necessary and hold it for a moment. Feel it against your palm and allow it to ground and anchor you into the present moment. Just breathe. For a moment, let yourself ignore the fear and simply return to your center. Now, holding the salt in both palms, feel the fear. That's right. Feel it. Don't try to hide it, don't tuck it away. Feel into it. Once you're ready, send the fear from your mind and out of your lower chakras up into your heart then through your arms and into the salt. Keep breathing and allowing the energy to flow. Visualize it happening. Once you no longer feel the fear, see it trapped within the salt which begins clearing it away. It begins cleansing and purifying it. Walk over to your trash bin and confidently and firmly announce, "This fear is gone and so it is done!" Throw the salt into the trash bin, ensuring to wipe your hands over the bin so no salt remains. *Best to take the trash out immediately but if you can't, draw your sacred symbol over the opening with your power hand and affirm that it cannot return. As soon as you are able, take the trash out.*

This may seem silly or sound like it wouldn't work but I write from personal experience. I had great success with this spell. It was something I intuitively found myself doing and it worked.

2. Releasing Anger with Running Water

This one requires nothing more than a kitchen or bathroom sink. I used the bathroom since I found myself growing angry about a situation as I was passing by the bathroom but so long as it's running water, it works. In a pinch, you could use water from a water bottle but that may be a bit of a challenge.

Why Water? Water is healing and taps into our emotions and subconscious. It's soothing, rejuvenating, and refreshing.

Item Needed: Running Water--this can either be a sink, a water hose spigot, or even just a water bottle (if you have someone to help you)

Spell: Whenever you feel pissed off, frustrated, or upset, go to a sink and turn on the tap. Take a moment and breathe. Yes, I recommend breathing a lot but you kinda need it to live. ;) Anyways, allow the anger to bubble up inside you before placing your hands beneath the running water. Like the spell above, visualize and feel the anger moving through your body, down your arms, and out of your hands. Intend and visualize the water washing the anger down the drain. Once it's done, ask the water to soothe your emotions. Feel this happening and know it's true. Then shake your hands of any excess water before drying them. Once that's done, turn the tap off and it is done.

I actually got the inspiration for this when I worked at a Drug Rehabilitation Center. We were learning about de-escalation methods and one of the counselors said whenever she got upset or angry, she would get someone else to handle the situation while she went in the bathroom and ran cold water over her hands and even put some on the back of her neck. I figured add some visualization and breath work to it, it would be a great simple spell. Depending on how strong the anger or emotions are, it may take a few minutes.

It's important to understand what made you angry in the first place and work on any underlying issues. As I've said, I'm definitely not a proponent of covering our emotions up. You have to work through them, in a healthy manner, otherwise they may end up consuming you. I know, I had to learn that one the hard way. If you must, set boundaries. Step away from people who refuse to respect them. However, do not push people away simply because you are too afraid of doing the work and dealing with your emotions either. It's your responsibility to heal yourself. It may not be your fault that those triggers are there but unfortunately you must be the one willing to heal yourself. You have the choice: Continue Playing Victim or Healing and Rising Above It. It sucks, it's hard and grueling, but it's important for your own emotional well-being.

3. Bless Your Pet's Food

This one isn't necessarily a spell but in a world where negativity is the new norm, I personally think we could all do more blessing in the world. Blessing food has always been a spiritual part of meals as even our ancestors who relied on hunting would thank the animal for its sacrifice. When we bless our food, we elevate its vibration. We then partake of this and internalize the blessing, thereby raising our own vibration. Instead of saving blessings for Thanksgiving, other sabbats and holidays, why not extend the magick to our furry friends?

Items Needed: Pet Food of Choice

Spell: Take a deep breath and either hold your hands over the pet food bowl or over the bag/bucket where you store the food. Think of your pet and what sort of blessing you want to give them--health, happiness, playfulness, whatever. Invoke a Deity appropriate for your animal (Bastet for cats, Anubis for dogs, Rhiannon for horses...). Ask that They bless this food so that your pet may experience (insert blessing here). See a golden light come down into the food, infusing it's blessing into it. Let the energy seep in and build. When you feel its ready, stop the light and feel the power within the food. Give thanks to the Deity for Their help. Remember to thank Them. Next time your pet eats, see and know that they are partaking of this blessing.

For many of us, our pets are our family and very much like our own children, especially for those of us who either can't have them or are not quite at that point within our lives. We want the best for them so why not for our furry loved ones?

4. Infuse Your Drinking Water

According to Mr. Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages in Water, water has the ability to retain energetic memory and the water crystals themselves change to reflect this, appearing when frozen as different patterns. Whether you believe this or not, I do believe we can infuse water to contain different energetic properties, like we do when creating holy water. Without infusing the water with the power of the Divine and our own power, it would just be water and salt. I mean...really....

Items Needed: Water whether in a glass or bottle

Spell: Take a deep breath and focus on what you want to infuse into the water. Love? Productivity? Creativity? Energy? What color would you associate this with? While I think it's important to learn the basic traditional meaning of correspondences (they are what they are for a reason), you also do need to resonate with it. What color would you associate with love? Pink? Red? Green? Focus on the color and feeling of what you want. Feel it throughout your body as if it has already manifested. Then place your hands on either side of the vessel of water and send that color and feeling into the water, asking that it help you internalize that feeling throughout your day. Once the energy begins ebbing, remove your hands and visualize the water as the color you chose. Whenever you take a sip from it, know that you are taking in that essence.

This is very easy and very quick. Always remember to go with your first instinct when it comes to color. Don't second guess yourself then begin creating doubt that you're not doing this right.


Magick doesn't have to be anything complicated or involved (and I mean tool-wise). So long as it holds meaning for you and allows you to shift into that magickal frame of mind, you're fine. I think this is especially important for new witches who may be afraid of something not working if they don't go "by the book". Create your own spells. If you want, use spell books for reference and starting points. I'm not saying you can't use the spells in them but just remember that if you can't find something that suits your needs OR you don't have the ingredients on hand for a spell and are still confused by substitutions, create your own spell!

Happy Crafting! ;)

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