Good Morning and Happy Monday!!
Some days, and especially Mondays for some people, can be challenging to switch back into the gear of things. Not only do we feel sluggish and just want to crawl back into bed but we may also find ourselves stressed, in a sense of chaos (especially when we aren't the only ones we're rushing out the door), and simply muddled.
Though I'm an avid coffee drinker, on mornings like this, I prefer to brew a nice cup of tea and nothing seems as soothing, refreshing, or perfect than a cup of peppermint tea.
Peppermint is associated with the planet Mercury, giving a glimpse into it's stimulating and mental associations. Likewise the element associated with it is Air. So, if you feel called to do so, you can invoke Hermes or Mercury to bless your cup for mental calm, peace, and clarity.
A Blessing you can use while holding the tea bag before brewing or holding the cup after brewing is:
Swift-footed Mercury, God of the Mental Realm,
bless this herb so that it may calm my racing mind,
instill peace and tranquility in place of the muddled chaos,
and allow me to glean clarity in the moment, through presence.
Messenger of the Gods, bless this tea so that I may have the
mental openness for messages and inspiration.
Thank you, Mercury.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
*I am NOT sponsored by this tea brand—it’s just what I had in the cupboard 😂*