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A Brief Introduction to the Archangels

Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill

If you have followed me throughout the past year, you will know that I've recently begun this journey into the Angelic Realm which I initially had trepidation about. In fact, I actively and consciously resisted working with these Beings that I felt so drawn towards. Why did I fight against it for so long? Frankly, it was due to preconceived ideas about Angels and their being strictly associated with the Abrahamic religions. Even when I finally gathered the nerve to start researching more about them, I still had a growing sense of worry that I was delving into something that was forbidden to me as both a Pagan and a Witch.

I soon realized that they don't concern themselves with the semantics of religion because that is a human concept. Now, you may be questioning this statement, considering they are closely related to God. First off, let me clearly state my position on religion after I gave it some thought. I believe that all religions lead to the same source of light, to the same source of unconditional love, but our human minds had to create labels, personas, and beliefs around this Source. Hence, religions. Whenever I speak about this generalized yet universal source of love and light, I like to refer to it as Spirit though I believe Christians would refer to it as God, Muslims Allah, and Witches Goddess. There is a Great Spirit that permeates everything as nothing is separate from it.

The Gods and Goddesses are aspects of this Spirit, just as we are. That is why They are distinct in Their own right yet very much still a part of this One Energy. Sounds complicated, I'm sure, but it really isn't. It did help that many of the Witchcraft 101 and Wicca books I read stated this viewpoint so I'd already had this concept in my head. However, learning a concept si completely different than implementing it. So, the sense of unease I felt regarding the Angelic Realm because I wasn't Christian was nothing short of an ego-centered, narrow-sighted illusion. If I put the above thought into practice then it's nothing more than a different set of rituals, beliefs, dogma, and thoughts towards connecting to the same Source Energy. I've had an entire year to get comfortable with this and I will readily confess that there are times when it's hard to remember, depending on who I'm speaking with or listening to. However, for the most part, whenever I read God in a book that refers to Angels, I simply substitute it for Spirit and all is well. Here I sit, a year later, not having been struck down but instead living a life that is fuller of magick and miracles.

I'm only scrapping over the bare minimum in this post as I am more of mentioning the Archangels but that's because I would like to devote actual posts to each separate Archangel, complete with a meditation and invocation. To be truthful, this post originally was only going to be a simple list of attributes/associations regarding the areas of interest for each Archangel so people reading Tuesday's (26th Feb. 2019) Card for the Day would be able to decide which Archangel to ask for assistance and guidance. I then decided that I could offer a bit more than a simple list which is why I wanted to begin with my viewpoint and own sense of concern (as I'm certain there may be others who feel similar to me) before giving more than just a simple bullet point of attributes.

So, it is my privilege to introduce to you the Archangels.

1) Archangel Michael

He is one of the main seven and one I believe most people are familiar with, even if it's just His name. Though He has this powerful presence to Him, which doesn't include His mighty sword, He is still gentle and compassionate towards those who need His help. His name means "He who is like God." The color associated with Him is cobalt blue, making Lapis Lazuli a good crystal to use with Him. He is a great protector and a patron of police officers. If you wish to work with Him, He deals with Courage, Protection, Energy, Life's Purpose, Direction, Worthiness, Commitment to One's Beliefs, as well as Releasing Fear.

2) Archangel Raphael

Other than Archangel Michael, I feel Archangel Raphael is just another one that many people know. His name means "God heals" and He is great for healing in all aspects--whether mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritual as well as human or not. His color is Green, making Jade or Green Aventurine great crystals to use. Call upon Him if in need of Healing (All Aspects-Mind/Body/Spirit, Humans, Pets). He also helps space clear with Archangel Michael!

3) Archangel Gabriel

Perhaps the last Archangel most people would be familiar with, Archangel Gabriel was the one to come to Mary and announce the conception of Jesus. He is the messenger angel whose name means God is my Strength. His color is white so try using moonstone or clear quartz. Ask for His assistance if needing help with Children (Adoption & Conception), Self-Expression & Creativity, and Delivering Messages. *This archangel can appear as either male or female

4) Archangel Ariel's name means "lion or lioness of God" and I identify Her with the Strength tarot card. Maybe it's the lion association...I don't know. Her realm of expertise involves Courage, Strength, Divine Magic, Reigniting that Spark for Life, New Energy, and Environmentalism.

5) Archangel Azrael's name means "whom God helps." When people think of the Angel of Death, Archangel Azrael would be the angel as He is tasked with helping those recently passed cross over. I'll admit I haven't worked personally with this Archangel but there's a sweet and comforting feeling wash over me whenever I think about Him. Death is bittersweet and He understands that. Bittersweet because we may be glad our loved one is no longer in pain but we are mourning their loss. Call upon Him for help with Crossing Those Who've Passed Cross Over and Comforting the Grieving. If you fear death, as many people do, this Archangel may have something to teach you that will help lessen some of that fear.

6) Archangel Chamuel deals with unconditional love and adoration which makes pink His color. Rose Quartz is perfect for working with this Archangel. His name means "He who sees or seeks God." Invoke His help for Career and Life Purpose, Relationships (Starting and Healing), and Love. There is definitely never a lack of love when working with Archangel Chamuel and I literally always am overwhelmed by this feeling whenever I see His name. It really can be that impactful.

7) Archangel Haniel's name means "glory or grace of God" and let me tell you, She is absolutely one of my favorites! Why? Because of Her connection to the moon. She always reminds me of Goddess energy so when I first came upon the Angelic Realm, I naturally gravitated towards Her. Ask for Her assistance with Healing, Psychic Abilities, or Moon Magick. You could invoke Her during your esbats! Her energy is very ethereal and mysterious but not in an unknowable way. I just have that feeling with all Lunar Deities and Beings!

8) Archangel Jeremiel's name means "mercy of God" and like Archangel Azrael, He too helps those who've recently passed. However, His role is more of allowing them to review their lives though you needn't be recently deceased for this to happen. Yes, you can access this powerful review while still breathing! If you need to make a major life change, this is the Archangel to call upon for an objective perspective. Invoke Him for Life Reviews & Changes, as well as Prophesies (esp. in Dreams).

9) Archangel Jophiel is a beautiful and joyful Archangel whose name means "beauty of God" thereby allowing Her to become the patron of artists. Her color is bright yellow that reminds one of sunshine yellow which makes me associate Citrine or Honey Calcite with Her. She doesn't only help with physical beauty but beautiful thoughts, perspectives, etc. Invoke Her for help with Art, Beauty, Being Present, Inspiration, Joy, or If Suffering From Spiritual Disconnection.

10) Archangel Metatron is an interesting Being as He is one of the Archangels who originally began His time as a human. Yes, He is said to have been a man called Enoch who remained so pure in the human world that God Himself rose Him up to Heaven where He became an Archangel. He is a scribe and works diligently to help mankind, considering He understands the trials of humans. He has a certain affinity towards children which may stem from their innocence in life but I also believe its because we all are considered the Children of God. He knows Heaven's and God's secrets which means He knows the love God is said to have for us. Call upon Him if you need help with Children, Recordkeeping, Writing, or Spiritual Understanding.

11) Archangel Raguel's name means "friend of God". However, He is also referred to as the "Archangel of Justice and Fairness" as He works to ensure we are working in harmony with one another. He has a very diplomatic sort of quality to Him so call upon Him for assistance with Resolving Arguments, Cooperation in Groups, Mediation, Orderliness, and Empowerment.

12) Archangel Raziel knows all the secrets of the Universe and of God which He wrote down into a book known as the Sefer Raziel of which Enoch was given a copy during His human incarnation, alongside other well-known characters in the Bible. Unsurprising, considering Archangel Raziel's name means "secret of God". If you need help with your spiritual practices, Archangel Raziel may be your guy. Call upon Him for help with Divine Magic, Esoteric Information, Manifestation, and Psychic Abilities.

13) Archangel Sandalphon, the only other Archangel who originated as human. He was the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah). One of His main purposes is to carry the prayers of humans to God. His energy is subtle but He is definitely a great Archangel to call upon for help upon your spiritual path, especially if praying. When you are struggling and really need to add a bit of extra oomph to your prayers, call upon Sandalphon. He is also associated with Music.

14) Archangel Uriel's name means "God is light" and is the Archangel associated with Insight, Illumination, and Clarity. Considered one of the wisest of the Archangels, He supposedly brought alchemy and the knowledge of manifestation to humans. Be warned that Archangel Uriel's energy is subtle so you may miss Him at first. His color is a bright red so ruby is a great stone to use for Him. Invoke Archangel Uriel for assistance with Divine Magic, Problem Solving, Weather, School, Writing, Spiritual Understanding, Insight & Clarity, and New Ideas.

15) Archangel Zadkiel's name means "the righteousness of God". He is able to help us see the spark of Divinity, our own glimmer of Godliness, within ourselves. So, if you ever find yourself feeling very disconnected from Spirit, call upon Him to help you reconnect to that piece of Spirit internally. Once you remember that you are not separate from Spirit, it makes it easier to externally feel that connection. Invoke Archangel Zadkiel for help with Compassion, Forgiveness, Healing, Memory, Studying, or Freedom.

The Archangels may seem confusing at first because it's like there's a whole lot of toe-stepping. Some seem to have very similar correspondences but the Gods can be like that as well so it's not necessarily something we as Pagans aren't used to. If you find yourself having a hard time connecting with Them, ask yourself if it's because of a preconceived idea--like my not being Christian. These Archangels aren't cute little cherubs that we see in paintings but majestic Beings of Divine Light who have the power to help change our lives...if we ask. They aren't going to shun helping you simply because you call God something else. They recognize that Divine Spark and Connection within us that seems to void all labels out. Labels are a part of human condition, not spiritual truth. They create an illusion and our egos run wild with them.

Have you ever worked with the Angelic Realm? What first brought you into it and how has it changed your life? I have found that They offer so many miracles and blessings that I will never be able to thank you adequately enough--not that They seek praise. They are simply fulfilling Their roles. Do note that you would do Them a great discourtesy by diminishing Them down to simple assistants as They are so much more.

May the Angels bless you as abundantly as I have been blessed.



My Own Intuition and Experience

Invoking the Archangels: A Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul by Sunny Dawn Johnston

Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue


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