"The burning bush, then, is symbolic of anything in our lives that disrupts us from our habituated routine, the monotony of our everyday, and allows us to return to the presence of love." -pg 89, What I Learned As The Burning Bush from Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson
2020 has been my burning bush. What I mean is that while it's been one of the most difficult and challenging times in my life, a sentiment I believe all of us would agree with, this has been a time of profound insight, deep reflection, and exhaustive work. It's been the year that the shadows we've long since tried to shove down into the deepest recesses of our subconscious--both individually and collectively--refuse to continue hiding and instead have risen from their murky depths so we must face them. And while this has been intense and chaotic, overwhelming us wholly, it's necessary. We've long since needed a firm hand to steady the mirror so we could study our reflection as it truly is instead of how we would like to pretend it appears. Both as a country, a global community, locally, and personally.
This is one reason I've been so inactive and isolated lately as I needed to step back from the chaos of the external world so that I could delve into the chaos of my own internal world. I became so swept up in anger, despondency, frustration, concern, and negativity that I no longer recognized the woman in the mirror. I no longer stood before myself as myself. Unfortunately, for this to come to my attention, I had to enter an identity crisis of epic proportions that left me grappling with even the smallest questions of identity.
However, like a phoenix rises from the smoldering ash and flames, I realized that this was my moment of transition. This was the defining, pivotal year that I could shed the layers upon layers of conditioning because I was finally able to become still enough to listen. Now I’m definitely not the first one to say any of this, as it’s something many spiritual teachers have been mentioning all year, but the one (and perhaps only) gift of 2020 was the ability to remove the blinders and see everything for its authenticity…which in a way was something I had wanted when I declared last year that this would be a new decade for me. That New Year’s Eve represented a threshold, a place of transition, but what I didn’t realize was that it wasn’t a moment but a journey.
Because truthfully, monumental change that can recalibrate and shift everything is a process. It cannot happen all within one moment—even if that’s how some people like to pretend it happens. Sure, you may get that strike of inspiration or aha! But everything doesn’t actually physically shift or change in that moment. Instead you still have to put in the effort and work to actualize that transformation. So, when that clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, it created the space we needed for change. It allowed us the opportunity to create that which we had been excitedly preparing for—except we forgot that we weren’t snakes and therefore could not shed the old layers all at once. It’s a process and we needed time—something this year has definitely provided us with.
Due to the highly personal nature of this journey for me, I won’t be sharing my own story as it’s something I want to keep private. However, I will say that it all accumulated into the most beautiful and most sacred moment of my life when Halloween night, when we had the Blue Moon, and I was able to create a spontaneous ritual for releasing. Something I’ll talk about later as we get closer to Yule. For now, I want to share with you some of the magickal tools I’ve utilized over this past year when it came time for me to sit, journal, and listen. I didn’t just hear what my heart and spirit had to say but also my ego as it too has plenty to teach.
One of my biggest pieces of advice, before I offer my tools, is that it isn’t necessarily enough to sit with a belief or thought. We need to question and push, breaking through the layers until we find the real problem. This also means we must be prepared for not receiving an answer we want (boy have I gotten a few!). That’s why it’s so important to approach this kind of work with a curiosity and openness instead of our ego. Yes, our ego can teach us but it’s important not to reason ourselves out of something. Instead accept what comes and then keep going. It’s definitely easier said than done but our minds love to run a mile a minute, attempting to explain everything but that chain of thoughts can lead you to answers that aren’t true—answers that you just want to hear. Feel into what comes up.
Anyways, without further adieu, here are some of the tools I used to help me delve deep and gain clarity!
My Tools
A Divinatory Tool
I prefer to use Tarot cards, though a pendulum can be quite useful. They don’t give me all the answers but instead what I need to know in order to go deeper. They help me understand what I need to focus on, offering direction and clarity. I personally like to go layer by layer instead of tackling something all at once so that’s how I use my cards.
Journal Prompts:
Y’all know I’m not about to offer some sort of journaling prompts to help you in your own journey of self-reflection and growth.
*I know some people may be wondering how does this relate to witchcraft but when you know yourself, when you stand fully within your beliefs, you’re confident and empowered. This not only helps you in your life but your magick. Your spiritual connection. It permeates throughout everything you are and do.*
This is my chain of thought whenever I have an issue arise that I need to meditate on:
-Where did this belief come from?
-Does it resonate? Can I feel that stance within my heart or is it strictly limited to my mind?
-What do I actually believe about ____________?
-What connections/associations do I hold with this?
-What experiences have I had regarding this?
(These experiences will fuel your resonance and belief. It’s what keeps our mind
maintaining this belief as it’s been “proven true”.)
As a witch, I do love to utilize magickal tools in my everyday life and this period of self-reflection wasn’t any different. I already said I used my Tarot Cards but I also brought in the help of crystals, essential oils, and invocations as this was, and is, a sacred journey for me.
There are plenty of crystals out there that you can work with but these are the ones I used throughout this journey.
Black Obsidian
A wonderful stone of protection that helps instill a sense of strength versus Black Tourmaline which is more cleansing (see below).
Increases Reflection
Helps Calm the Mind
Understand Underlying Issues
Helps Us Understand Intuitive Guidance
Good for Boundaries
Resolve Blocks on Spiritual Path
Face Unpleasant Truths
Release Past
Black Tourmaline
I absolutely LOVE Black Tourmaline as it's a great protection stone and can help transmute negative energy into something more positive.
Help Gain Sense of Peace
Calm Anxious or Fearful Thoughts
Setting Boundaries
Clear Storylines
Release Harmful Behavior
This stone works with the Sacral Chakra which isn't just about our creative power but also our sexuality, sensuality, success, and emotions--hence, why I think it's important to pay some attention to this chakra during this process. If there's any guilt or shame, spend some time with the Sacral Chakra!
Provides Us With Energy
Give Courage to do the Work
Boosts Confidence
Help Empower Us to Stand Firm in Convictions
Heal Past Traumas
Overcome Negative Thought Patterns
Help with Issues concerning Self-Belief, Self-Worth, or Self-Value
Clear Emotional Patterns
Reinvent Self
This stone is associated with the Solar Plexus, the chakra that deals with our personal power, identity, and empowerment. It has such a beautiful joyful energy!
Lift Our Spirits
Instill Self-Confidence and Motivation
Overcome Self-Sabotaging Behavior/Thoughts/Beliefs
Cleanse the Chakras and Aura (which you may want to do during this process!)
Gain Clarity
Clear Stuck Negative Emotional Energy
Strengthen One's Beliefs
Personal Power
Connect to Life's Purpose
Rose Quartz
Oh yes, I'm including this gem because during tough processes like this, we all could use a little extra love. This is my go-to stone for anything that requires an open heart and compassion, like healing work! For those who may not know, this is the quintessential stone for love and is great for working with the Heart Chakra. (The Heart Chakra is traditionally green but pinks do work as well.)
Love (including Self-Love)
Unconditional Love
Healing (Especially Negative Emotions)
Assists Major Emotional Transformations!
Rutilated Quartz
This is a stone I hadn't worked with prior to this year but it definitely deserves some love! It's great for purifying and releasing!
Uncover Hidden Things
Reach Root of Problems
Helps with Transitions
Unblock Energy
Bring Changes
Smoky Quartz
This stone is great grounding stone and honestly if I could only recommend two stones for this process, it would be Smoky Quartz and Rose Quartz. It's a good stone to work with the Root Chakra which deals with our survival instincts, groundedness, and connection to the Earth
Offers Clarity and Insight
Assist us in Releasing and Clearing
Strengthen our Connection to the Earth
Ease any Fears
Stabilize Us
I can't even begin to tell y'all how much I LOVE this stone. Okay...yeah, I say that about practically all of them but this stone is so regal, confident, and self-assured...at least that's how I feel whenever I hold it! It's associated with the Throat Chakra which pertains to our ability to communicate and speak our Truth.
Speaking and Honoring our Truths
Calm's One's Thoughts
Silences Self-Doubt
Helps us with Feelings of Belonging
Essential Oils
*I prefer to warm my essential oils in an oil warmer, especially when I know they'll cause irritation when used on my skin (such as cinnamon). I'm still very much a beginner into the world of Essential Oils so I prefer to play it safe. So, any recommendations below would best be used in an oil warmer.*
I didn't add them all at once either. You can choose to use just one or play with them, mixing a couple.
Speaking of Cinnamon, this one will irritate your skin so never EVER use this undiluted and I think even diluted, you have to be cautious.
Root Chakra Work
Banishing Negativity
Psychic Awareness
As I mentioned earlier, please use these in an oil warmer as I'm not sure about even a diffuser. Promise that's the last time I make that disclaimer but I think this one could be an irritant as well.
Balances Chakras
Heart Chakra
Releasing Fears
Psychic Energy
Heart Chakra
An usual favorite...
Balances Chakras
Brow Chakra
Calming Emotions
Are you ready for it? This is my favorite Essential Oil! Really though, it is! It's very uplifting, joyful, happy, and positive!
Solar Plexus Chakra
Relieving Stress/Anxiety
Clearing Mental Clutter
Opening Doors (and new paths)
As the ever amazing TipToeChick (May Her Memory Be For A Blessing) once called it, "Hippy in a Bottle!" Great for the Root Chakra!
Banishes Negativity
Root Chakra
I've always loved the smell of Peppermint but this is one of those oils to make sure you have quality product! I had one that smelled fabulous but when I ran out, I bought a bottle at the local grocery store (don't judge) and whew...that stuff stunk bad! I always associate this oil with the Throat Chakra!
Throat Chakra
Halts Negative Thoughts
Speaking One's Truth
Am I the only one who absolutely thinks Rosemary smells divine?
Heart Chakra
Conscious Mind
Conscious Mind
Sweet Orange
I like this oil a lot, not as much as Lemon, but this is another that people tend to gravitate towards because it has such a beautiful scent and energy! It works well with the Sacral Chakra.
Positive Energy
Balancing Chakras
Sacral Chakra
Tea Tree
Truthfully, this isn't an oil I use often and when I do, it's to help release something.
Always make sure to set your intentions before adding the oil to the warmer. I like to wait until it gets fragrant then pause to take some deep breaths so I can be present with the scent and energy. Take it in. Attune to it. Once I feel ready, I continue with what I was doing.
2020 has truly been rough for so many of us, especially with certain Government Officials wanting to continue perpetuating the myth that COVID is a hoax and not giving a damn about the everyday American people who are struggling to make ends meet. However, I'm not getting political on this post so instead let me just tell you that personally this year has been full of some of the lowest lows I could hit. It brought up old fears and beliefs that I thought I no longer had. They reared their ugly heads and I couldn't ignore them. The only way was to face them head-on and work through them.
As Robert Frost said, "The best way out is always through." That isn't easy work. If you're struggling, give yourself grace and compassion. If need be, seek outside help as well.
May We Find The Blessings Hidden In This Year.
All My Love,
Britany | The Heart-Centered Hexe
*Keep an eye out for my Podcast Episode about this topic! Coming soon!*
*Know that I'm not a licensed medical professional or Therapist so nothing contained within this blog post should be considered Medical or Therapeutic Treatment.*
Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson
Healing Crystals and Gemstones by Dr. Flora Peschek-Böhmer and Gisela Schreiber
Magical Aromatherapy by Scott Cunningham
Black Tourmaline Healing Properties, Correspondences, and Meanings by HibiscusMoon (Youtube)
Citrine Healing Properties, Correspondences, and Meanings by HibiscusMoon (Youtube)
Rose Quartz Healing Properties, Correspondences, and Meanings by HibiscusMoon (Youtube)
Sodalite from Healing Crystals (healingcrystals.com)
Rutilated Quartz from Healing Crystals (healingcrystals.com)