Impasse, Transformation, View From Above
This week has some very powerful energy, if you're flexible and open-minded. Otherwise, you may find yourself struggling which will ultimately lead to frustration, annoyance, and even a missed opportunity.
Sunday, Monday, and First Part of Tuesday
You may find yourself at your wit's end regarding an issue within your life. It can be anything from a change your wanting to make to a business project you've undertaken. Either way, something isn't working and you feel about ready to pull your hair out. Hey, we've all been there! Maybe you can't seem to find the right next step or direction. The path has become obscure and you just know that what you want and/or need is on the other side. You just can't seem to reach it! Relax. Take a deep breath and step away from it. Go do something else for a while before returning. This may help. If not, ask yourself if there is any other way to look at the problem. Get creative. Sometimes there is a reason we can't move forward.
Second Part of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Change is brewing and if you were able to pinpoint what to do differently then this is the time to start making those corrections. Shifts and different courses will be easier over these next couple of days but you must be open to the change. Don't welcome change just to welcome change because subconsciously you will be blocking yourself from receiving and doing whatever it is you are hoping for. Start small. Remember it's through the small accomplishments that foundations are laid and structures are built.
Friday and Saturday
View From Above
Now that you've discerned the problem and done what is needed to correct it, take a step back and really look at it objectively. Look at how far you've come and know that no matter how much further it is you have to go, you have made it this far. You can do it! It's way too easy to become engrossed in the smallest details so that you become overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of what all you still have to do. Get away from that. Shift your mindset instead to really understand that while you may still have plenty of work to do, you have come so far already. Even if you just begun the project or change this past week, you still have made progress. How? You chose to do something and began putting it into action. Most people don't ever really seem to get past the thinking/dream stage.
Brightest of Blessings,
The Autumn Witch
*Cards are from the Sacred Traveler Oracle Deck by Denise Linn*