Good Morning and Happy Wednesday!
This morning I am sitting here, preparing to publish my new blog post, and I am reminded to pause and drop into my heart. Why? Because while this blog post speaks of something that happened to me, I can't help but be hesitant in posting it as I worry how it'll be perceived by others. That fear makes me want to delete it though I know the part that is causing me some anxiety isn't the point of the post.
Interestingly enough, this blog post talks about how I must remember to drop in and tune in with my spirit. With my energy. I sit here and ask myself would deleting it be in alignment with my truth? With the purpose of my blog? What would it serve?
How often do we allow fear of how others will perceive us keep us from doing something? That keeps you playing small instead of owning your story and shining your light? Our ego will have one hell of a field day with that too and maintain that fear as it is through that fear we remain trapped within our comfort zone. It is through that fear that we keep our heads down and don't make much of an impact.
When these moments arise, take a deep breath and connect with your spirit. For me, this is easier to do when I drop down into my heart space. I feel into what's happening first. What do I feel? Then I ask why? I listen and trust my intuition. Then, and only then, I ask what is my best course of action?
We get so wrapped up in thinking through things logically and in a practical manner, which yes, does have its place, but we forget that our spirit, our heart, our intuition, can deliver us opportunities and solutions that we hadn't even realized were possible. Sometimes we're told to push ahead and others, surrender and wait.
Spend time today dropping in and listening. Pay attention to the subtle yet expansive energy behind the realm of Spirit, which includes your spirit, then see when you can recognize the aggressive and silver-tongued ego that tries to negate it. It is only through tuning in and listening that we can work towards recognizing and becoming aware of which is which.
Connect with your spirit through your heart, My Darlings.