I think every day we should give thanks for the blessings we've been granted during the day. Just a simple "Thank You!" from the bottom of our hearts and the core of our spirits. Life gets hectic and sometimes we forgo a day or two--if we aren't careful, it can quickly add up to a year! I know, I've been there myself. I had begun a practice a couple of years ago where I would write the good things that had happened to me on slips of colored paper and I would put those pieces into a jar to read either when I'm feeling really low or on special occasions, such as Mabon. I haven't continued that practice but make a promise to myself to do it from this Mabon to Mabon. As I haven't kept a running marker or reminder of how blessed I've been, I wanted to list my blessings below with the HUGEST THANK YOU to the God, Goddess, and Great Spirit for it all! :)
My 2017 Blessings
My family--we may not always get along or see eye-to-eye, especially on Political issues, but at the end of the day they have been there for prayers, support, advice, and encouragement.
My friends who have stuck with me while I worked on finding myself. I haven't always been the best of friends and am entirely grateful for their loyalty, love, and support.
Those I am no longer friends with. Our times together were sweet and though it hurt when you left, I recognize you were never meant to remain within my life. Y'all taught me the lesson of letting go and that I cannot cling to the past all because it was full of happier times. We've grown and matured and aren't meant to last on this journey in life together. So, I thank you for the time we did share and I thank you for the lesson you provided.
The disagreements and arguments as they taught me the virtue of patience and to never assume. They revealed my quick temper and need to react instead of respond. I never would've been able to work on truly bettering myself if I had not learned this information about myself.
The fears and worries brought up during the past retrogrades and eclipses as I wasn't aware of the shadows I had given refuge to, where they continued to grow and fester, until I was at last forced to face them head-on. It certainly wasn't easy and plenty of sleep was lost but I understood my need of acceptance, fear of conformity yet fear of being different, and my need to release so that I may truly live an authentic life. Had these shadows not been brought into the light, I probably never would've dealt with them and they would've only continued growing.
My health issue as it has allowed me to become motivated and driven once more with a clear definition of the life I want. It reminded me that life is short and I am worthy of success and happiness. It has helped revitalize my goals and desires.
The Aha-moments that have offered valuable insight and enlightenment when I was struggling. I can only thank Spirit, The Gods, my ancestors and spirit guides for these tidbits of wisdom and truth.
The Understanding that I have continued belittling and berating myself because I have clung to the past and what I wanted instead of allowing a new course to begin. I chastised myself for things which were always meant to be. I felt ashamed that I hadn't done what I had set out to do when I graduated High School before realizing that was because that wasn't the manner in which I was supposed to do anything. My eyes have since been opened as I now work towards dreams I never even would've believed possible when I was eighteen.
The candid interview with a visiting Rabbi who helped me understand finally that Judaism isn't my path and all because it covered a large amount of time in the past doesn't mean I must stick with it. It also helped me realize I was playing victim and hoping to throw everything to God instead of take control, roll up my sleeves, and roar like the lioness I am. I was downplaying my significance and skills. I was allowing doubt to tell me I wasn't a witch. I was letting others convince me I wasn't worth the privilege or title.
Wonderful experiences and activities that I had never done before--like going to see a Baseball game! Spontaneity is a spice of life and was what I was about when I was younger. It's nice to switch up the daily routine.
The kindness of strangers either in person or on the internet. Likewise, being able to witness how a small deed or warm word can impact someone else's day. I had the privilege of helping a woman in a shop the other day who didn't speak English very well. I helped find an employee and helped her understand what the lady was trying to say. I then ran into her as I was checking out and that lady was so sweet and talkative! She opened herself up and I learned this incredible story of how she immigrated here in 1997 on her own and struggled making any friends.
2017 hasn't been an easy year in the slightest but it was necessary for my growth and transformation. Last year was a 9 year and it was about letting go and tying up loose ends so that we could start anew this year. However, some things were overlooked and that's okay because it's still a part of a new beginning. Lessons must be learned so we can continue having amazing years between now and the next 9! My life has most definitely been a roller coaster that I wanted to disembark but I had to leave behind my fear and comfort zones. I had to change so that I could grow bolder, wiser, more confident, and empowered. :)
What are you grateful for this year?
Brightest of Blessings,
The Autumn Witch