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10 Tips For Witchin' In The Kitchen

Writer's picture: Britany HillBritany Hill

In the olden days, when the ancient ways were alive and well, there was no differentiation between magick and the mundane. They were intertwined and mingled. Here are 10 suggestions and tips to allow the two to mingle again in the most sacred part of the household (at least in my humble opinion)--the kitchen.

  1. Attune to the seasons by eating fruits and vegetables that are in season. I try not to eat anything out of season—even if I can get it year-round. It just helps me stay connected to nature.

  2. A prayer of gratitude and blessing over the food before eating keeps it a spiritual as well as physical act. Without food we wouldn’t be able to survive. This is a given but sometimes we scarf down that fast-food burger as we hurriedly make our way to our next to-do which eventually allows for our food to be taken for granted. When we slow down for a moment, even if but for a simple "thank-you", we realign ourselves with the Universe. We recognize that it is through the God and Goddess, through the care of the elements, and through the diligent work of the farmers and those who helped prepare the food, that we are capable of enjoying our our sustenance. It’s a subtle shift but one I’ve noticed can really impact the meal. It allows us to slow down and really savor the food. It helps it become a ritual in it’s own right, so to speak.

  3. When I’m cooking, I do like to give thanks to the animal that gave it’s life so that I may eat. I actually got this idea from someone and really wish I knew who. This is especially important as I come from a family of hunters and fishers.

  4. Don’t only choose herbs and spices based on their taste and flavors but their magickal properties as well. This helps turn cooking into a magickal act.

  5. Stir deosil (clockwise) when cooking. We’ve all heard this one. ;)

  6. I like to clean dishes widdershins or counterclockwise. It just seemed appropriate for me.

  7. Always keep a loaf of bread in the kitchen to symbolize your prosperity and abundance.

  8. Make your own bread, pies, and cakes while incorporating magick into the process whether it be through sigils baked inside to specific colors used to ice—whatever! Get creative!

  9. While best to eat organic and all-natural, and drink plenty of water, there are times when these aren’t appropriate—especially given their price. Do what you must and give thanks. Don’t belittle yourself as this can create even more lack. Give thanks for being able to afford what you can. I have been in low places where ramen and soda were easier and more financially sound due to costs and the size of my household. It’s okay. Just be thankful and know one day you can get to better eating choices—if you so choose.

  10. Maintain a clean and de-cluttered kitchen. It has become the center of our homes, of our lives, and is the very hearth of our homes. Take care of it and allow positive vibes to fill it.

​These are only but a few small, simple ways to incorporate more magick into your household and into your daily life. It doesn't have to be elaborate or specifically boiled down to cooking from a cast iron cauldron (although that def would give it a very witchy feel, no?). In our day to day lives which have become chaotic and frantic, we can lose sight of how inspirational, magickal, and beautiful a meal can really be and the kitchen is the place of magick.


What other kitchen tips do you have that really help not only connect us to Spirit/Universe/God/Goddess, but also allow room for magick and creativity? I'd love to hear from you!


Brightest of Blessings,

The Autumn Witch

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