Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! ☀️
Today I want to discuss some of the basics of Archangel Ariel whose name means "Lion/ness of God". Whenever I think of Her, I envision the Strength card of the Tarot which may just be due to Her associations with lions. Her color is pale pink (though sometimes I resonate with red, depending on what aspect of Hers that I'm connecting with). She is the archangel that deals with: -Courage -Strength -Divine Magick -Reigniting that Spark of Life -New Energy -Environmentalism -Realizing Our Highest Potential -Animal Magick She is the archangel closely associated with nature spirits, such as Fairies, Elves, Gnomes, Sprites, etc.. and helps us get in tune with, work with, and aids us in helping nature. Nature is inspiring and uplifting for many people and She uses that to help us connect with Spirit. As Her symbol is the lion, you may find lions appearing around you whenever She wants your attention or is sending you a message. (Obviously this doesn't mean actual lions but could be pictures, a thought, or just the image.) I feel with the growing threat of climate change and the need to care for the earth, Archangel Ariel is certainly needed.
I asked Her if She had a message for people and this is what She had to say:
This archangel definitely can have a soft feel to Her but She can also be a powerhouse of energy.