"A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness." Elsa Schiaparelli
Brightest of Blessings, Everyone! I hope ya’ll had a great Lughnasadh or Lammas, depending on whichever you choose to call it. We have now officially entered the harvest season with the first of the three festivals. I hope you had much to be grateful for and that your harvest will only continue to grow abundant! 😊
This month I have chosen a theme that I thought worked quite well with a harvest season—drum roll please……..FOOD MAGICK! Who doesn’t love food? Honestly, I am such a foodie and can’t believe I’d never thought to do a post about this before. I have the next couple of weeks labelled with a different sort of food in which I will discuss various correspondences as well as some kitchen tips. I don’t know why but I’m really digging this theme as I’m bringing attention to the kitchen, to the nowadays hearth of the home, and with it still technically being the last days of summer with Leo still ruling the sun, it just feels warm and cozy yet dynamic and creative. Ah!!!!!
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." J.R.R. Tolkien
Anyways, I will be posting on this blog until my new site is up and running. I’m planning to have it completely published and going by the 21st. I really want it to be how I want before I decide to publish it. You know what I’m saying? Until that time, you can still find my newer posts on this site and don’t forget I am also on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I even can now be found on Sound Cloud though as of the 30th of July, I only had one file uploaded. It’s just a short introduction about who I am and how I came upon my path---if you feel so inclined to listen to it.
Also, I ask that you excuse my absence. I didn’t meant to take that long of a break but it was definitely needed as I slowly return back to my previously motivated and inspired self. We all get into those funks where it’s hard to shake it off. Life became hectic and before I knew it days had turned into weeks, and weeks into a month—whew!
Brightest of Blessings!
Links to my other Social Profiles:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AutumnW1tch/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/autumn_w1tch
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/autumnw1tch/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/theautumnwitch